Tarnovo Literary School

Guidelines for authors


“Tarnovo Literary School” considers only manuscripts which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All articles are subject to a double-blind peer-review process. The Editorial Board makes all publication-related decisions based on the reviewers’ recommendations. All manuscripts should be submitted, as both *.doc/.docx and *.pdf files. The file name should contain the author’s surname and first name, i.e. Petrov_Ivan.docx.

Language of the Manuscripts

We accept manuscripts in Bulgarian, Russian and English. If the manuscript is not in the author’s native language, it must be subjected to careful proofreading and editing, done by a fluent speaker of the language in question. The same applies to abstracts. Texts submitted in bad Bulgarian, Russian or English will not be considered.

Length of the Manuscripts

The acceptable article length is up to 36000 characters (including spaces); review length – up to 5400 characters; “Recent Events” report length – up to 1800 characters.

Article Manuscript Structure

The article manuscript should be structured in the following way:

Name(s) of author(s) in Bulgarian or Russian language;

Title of the article in Bulgarian or Russian;

Name(s) of author(s) in English;

Title of the article in English;

Abstract in Bulgarian;

Keywords in English;

Abstract in Bulgarian (Russian);

Keywords in Bulgarian (Russian);

Main body of the text;

Acknowledgments (if any);

Works Cited;

List of abbreviations (if any);

Titles, workplace(s) and e-mail(s) of the author(s);

Articles written in English should contain an abstract and keywords in English only. Similarly, the names of the author(s) should be written in English only.

Abstract and Keywords

The abstract – up to 900 characters (including spaces) – should describe the essence of the study clearly, emphasizing the results which have been obtained. The keywords should be no more than six and should be easily recognizable. Long structures used as keywords are not recommended.

Fonts and Formatting

Manuscripts should be submitted in Times New Roman. If other fonts are used, they must be emailed as separate files. Only Unicode fonts should be used.

There are no requirements concerning letter size, margins and spaces. The paragraphs and the footnotes should be created using Microsoft Word automatic functionality.

Examples should be italicized. Word meanings should be given in single quotation marks, e.g. Lat. cucullus ‘hood’. If the examples are in a language which is different from the language of the article, their translation should be given in double quotation marks, e.g. Labas vakaras! “Good evening!” Titles of subsections and bullet points in the text should be in a semi-bold font.

Graphs, Tables and Images

Graphs, tables and images should be included in the main body of the text. They should also be submitted as separate files.

In-text Citations

Sources of in-text citations should be given in parentheses, e.g. (Mladenov 1979: 158). When quoting authors with coinciding surnames, an initial should also be given: (Mladenov, S. 1979: 158). When there are multiple publications by one author but the year of publication is the same, an index letter should be added, e.g. (Mladenov 1979a: 158), (Mladednov 1979b: 160). Footnotes must not be used for citations.

‘Works Cited’ Section

The list of works after the main body of the text should be preceded by a WORKS CITED heading and should only include quoted sources. Titles in Cyrillic, Latin, Greek and other scripts should be given in separate sections. Titles in a non-Latin script should be transliterated into a Latin script, observing the transliteration rules of the particular country. Bulgarian names and titles should

be transliterated according to the Transliteration Act of the Republic of Bulgaria1. Examples:


Георгиев 1991: Георгиев, С. Българска морфология. В. Търново: Абагар. // Georgiev 1991: Georgiev, S. Balgarska morfologiya. V. Tarnovo: Abagar.

Килева-Стаменова, Денчева 1997: Килева-Стаменова, Р., Е. Денчева. Речник на „неверните приятели на преводача“. Пловдив: Lettera. // Kileva-Stamenova, Dentscheva 1997: Kileva-Stamenova, R., Е. Dencheva. Rechnik na „nevernite priyateli na prevodacha“. Plovdiv: Lettera.

Бояджиев и др. 1998: Бояджиев, Т., И. Куцаров, Й. Пенчев. Съвременен български език. София: Петър Берон. // Boyadzhiev et al. 1998: Boyadzhiev, T., I. Kutsarov, Y. Penchev. Savremenen balgarski ezik. Sofia: Petar Beron.

Publications in proceedings

Андрейчин 1982: Андрейчин, Л. Стефан Младенов. – В: Строители и ревнители на родния език. Андрейчин, Л., В. Попова (ред.). София: Наука и изкуство, 230 – 231. // Andreychin 1982: Andreychin, L. Stefan Mladenov. – In: Andreychin, L., V. Popova (red.). Stroiteli i revniteli na balgarskiya ezik. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 230 – 231.

Publications in periodicals

Кабакчиев 1981: Кабакчиев, Кр. Един тип глаголно-именни словосъчетания и връзката им с видовата система на съвременния български език. – В: Български език, кн. 5, 427 – 433. // Kabakchiev 1981: Kabakchiev, Kr. Edin tip glagolno-imenni slovosachetaniya i vrazkata im s vidovata sistema na savremenniya balgarski ezik. – In: Balgarski ezik, kn. 5, 427 – 433.

Ramachandran, Hubbard 2001: Ramachandran, V. S., E. M. Hubbard. Synaesthesia – a window into perception, thought and language. – In: Journal of Consciousness Studies. Vol. 8. No. 12, 3–34.

Internet sources

РБЕРечник на българския език. София: Изд. на БАН. // RBERechnik na balgarskiya ezik. Sofia: Izd. na BAN. < http://ibl.bas.bg/rbe/> [30.12.2019]