Ethics, Science, Education is a peer-reviewed academic journal of an interdisciplinary nature, connected with the Laboratory of Applied Academic Ethics and the Department of Philosophical Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. The thematic scope of the journal addresses issues related to research ethics, academic ethics, values, education, and science. The periodical covers a wide range of topics and accepts for publication original research articles that contribute to scientific development in the field. It promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge between scholars working in relevant fields, seeking to reflect constructive contributions to problems of practical importance. It is also open to the expression of different points of view, offering a critical analysis of the themes and issues in the indicated fields and of the identification, justification, and discussion of values of universal significance.
Ethics, Science, Education comes out twice a year: in June and December. It welcomes papers written in Bulgarian and English. The works submitted for publication are checked for plagiarism and go through a procedure of double-blind peer review, observing all the rules laid down in publication ethics.
The journal is open access.
Authors are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is referenced and indexed in: