DE JURE is a specialized scientific edition of the Faculty of Law of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. It is intended for a wide range of readers – researchers, practitioners, lawyers, students and PhD students. It may also be of interest to everyone interested in law and in the related scientific fields. The materials published in the journal cover all areas of law: civil law, criminal law, public law, international law, EU law, human rights law. The articles in the field of EU law are arranged in a separate rubric called “European Union Law.” The journal publishes articles by foreign authors, which contributes to its regional significance. Articles by authors coming from the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Albania, etc., have been published so far. These papers are also separated in a single rubric – “Foreign Researchers.” Moreover, the journal aims to stimulate the scientific growth and development of young researchers. For this reason, there is a special rubric “Young Researchers,” which contains scientific works of lecturers and PhD students.
DE JURE creates a discussion environment for the exchange of scientific ideas and research results of importance, significance and usefulness in the field of law. The journal attracts foreign researchers in order to stimulate the development of comparative law and the exchange of good practices. Furthermore, this scientific edition is a platform for promotion of young researchers and specialists in the field of law.
DE JURE has been regularly issued since 2010. It comes out twice a year (one book every six months). Since 2017, the journal has been on the website of the Faculty of Law of St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo. Currently, it is issued both on paper and online. The materials published on the website are open access. They are easily accessible for the needs of students, lecturers, PhD students, practitioners, lawyers, and all other interested parties.
DE JURE is listed in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian Scientific Publications with Scientific Review, maintained by the Ministry of Education and Science through the National Information and Documentation Centre. At present, the journal is referenced and indexed in a number of international scientific databases, indicated on the website.
The journal is open access.
Authors are not required to pay any publication fees.
The journal is licensed: CC BY-NC-ND/ Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
The journal is referenced and indexed in:

CiteFactor, ICI, Sudoc